Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Khutse Game Reserve

So some women from the Embassy decided to have a "girls only" weekend at a spa in South Africa. Why not? But since it was only for one gender I decided to have "Man Weekend". The original intent was to get in a car and drive north with beer and cook with fire. Needless to say what started out as 7 guys going ended up as 2 men going.

Man Weekend was enjoyable and we did some geocaching http://www.geocaching.com. We found both cache's in Kutse part. The car got a little beat up by some branches but all in all it was worth it.

We saw a lot of DLC's (deer like creatures). Flying Birds (some walking), Squirels, and a group of Giraffe. I heard a lion on Friday night, and we saw some tracks on Sunday, but nothing close for us to find.

The drive out there was something else. About 50% of it was a two lane road, then it morphed into 1 1/2 lane road shared. Next in the evalution of travel came the sand, which when hitting a town turns to dirt. Then back to sand until you hit the park.

Khutse Game Reserve is about 2500 sq Kilometers (about 1553.4221890825488 miles) There are no tourist lodges, no chalets nor rest camps in Khutse (a major plus in my book). Nor are there any shops, gas stations, trinket stands or Mom& Pop supply store. Khutse is a protected area where development has been kept to a minimum and where the wilderness atmosphere has been carefully preserved. There are areas that have been designated as campsites, some of which have pit latrines and bucket showers (bring your own wanter because there is no place to get it here) but no other form of development.

It was really nice to get back to nature, cook with fire, and just enjoy nothing. Unlike parks in the US there was no real geographical type features. It was flat land with trees, bushes, and things like that.

The only thing I forgot this trip was my salad dressing. If I go back (not much to see really) I will bring it with me. Oh and I might bring something more then water to drink as well. I really wanted an Orange soda while I was there. But I got a shipment of Malted Milk balls before I left and brought some.


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