Wednesday, January 05, 2005

I got the fever!!!

Well I was a little late in writing my last blog. The last one was on 14 Dec 2004. I didn't update and had hoped to before the 25th. Needless to say I didn't.

Then on the 24th I went out to play some golf. I ended up getting bitten by a tick and came down with Tick Bite Fever. Its like Packman Fever, Saturday Night fever, and the fever for the flavor of a Pringle all rolled into one.

It basically works like this. You get bitten. You then run a fever between 101-103 F (38-40C) and you get the cold shakes and the hot hots (but I didn't sweat). I ended up missing a few days of work, and went not only to our health unit but ended up in the ER at Midnight.

I was sort of in and out of it that night. I came up with the brilliant idea that if I shut off the AC (I was in the living room and didn't want to go to the bedroom because I was feeling nauseated) and allow the room tempature to get to the same as my body tempature I would not be sick anymore. (I was watching that show Alias and they did something like that to get past a heat sensor). Needless to say it didn't work, and I got really sick then.

I woke up Theresa and said something she has never heard from me before "I'm sick, and need to go to the ER". Dazed and confused from sleeping, she looked at me, blinked, and then jumped out of bed and got dressed and off we went.

The nurse from the health unit (we have our own clinic for Embassy staff and family) met us at the hospital and made sure I was taken care of. I got an IV and some drugs for it all. After about 2 hours I left there (the nurse stayed until I left). I could have stayed overnight, but I wanted to go home. If I would have stayed there all my medical bills would have been covered.

The department has a policy that if you stay in a hospital and are admitted overnight they will pay everything 100%. I didn't want to waste precious taxpayer money, so I choose to get discharged for you, my fellow Americans. Theresa checked me out and paid the bill with our credit card. For the whole time I was there and prescriptions it came out to about $50 USD. My insurance will pay most of it and I will own about $7-$9 USD. Not to bad actually!

I am not 100% normal, but I am getting there. Good news is my HouseHold Effects (aka everything I own) will be here tomorrow. And the car should get here about the 15th or so.


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