Thursday, February 10, 2005

Customer Service? Who needs it

Funny thing about me. I came from a highly customer service world. I sold Customer Service software (ok, its nothing more then an FAQ list with a decent backend, but I won't rant on that now) and think I know more then the average person about customer service and what it takes.

But I have found out that you don't need customer service. You can still run your business and blow off your customers. Where else are they going to go? To the competition? They will get the same level of service or worse!

Botswana is a dieing country. The HIV/AIDS rate is around 38%, most children don't have safety seats in the car, there is not a whole lot of industry, they have a migrant problem from Zimbabwe so I think customer service is the last thing on most people's minds.

Not to mention that the government will just give money if you don't work. Heck, you can apply and 3-5 years later get a free plot of land (in a new sub-division with utilies to it already) and build your own house there. I haven't really seen much in the way of code regulations or design planning. I mean house here are bad. They are just not good. Not much thought it put into them.

Also people don't believe in my personal motto of "work smarter, not harder". I watch people every day dig up the road by hand, cut grass by hand, and other similar tasks that could be automated with simple machinary. Its not like they can't afford it (I have a cola of 5% here, one of the highest for Africa) and with South Africa being 40 minutes away they can get the stuff they need.

I would love to scream "WAKE UP BOTSWANNA" but they are awake, but don't want to get out of bed.......

I won't even go into how long it has taken a car to go 9 hours on the road (it actully took 6 days) and to register it (currently taking 6 days where the avg is 3).

Oh well this is part of the adventure, and to be honest I am really learning how to be more patient which is something we all could work on..


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