Thursday, September 08, 2005

Big rant attack

Warning this is a big rant...

Ok so I have seen on the new the problems in New Orleans and have decided to comment about the problems as I seen them. First off I have donated money to the Red Cross so that others can be helped. And I highly suggest that you who read this do it also, even it its $100 bucks it can help. Having lost 1/2 my house to a busted water pipe, and being out of it for 6 months (luckily 1. The insurance company paid for it, 2. I was able to rent a friends house 3. I have some kick ass power tools and electricity at the time), any way I only had 3 people offer to help me and 2 of them were in Australia (and they were seriously going to come and help). The other person bailed when we were painting because they really didn't want to help, so I feel its the least I can do.

Ok back to my thoughts on the Hurricane. The Fed government didn't react fast enough. I think 3 days were lost because of the red tape of who is in charge and getting the mayor to ask the governor to ask the assist to the undersecretary to the supervisor of the director of the office of who to help. Then no one but Home Depot and Lowes were even prepared for it (they had trucks prestige for it), and honestly who would believe a CAT 5 could actually hit? Not me that's for one.

Ok so we have a bunch of people in the city doing the great American hero act and staying (ain't no one telling me I have to leave) and others can't afford it, are too sick, too stupid (as in dumb as rocks, uneducated, and just ignorant) , and feel they have no where to go. I don't really care why they didn't leave, but the fact of the matter is they didn't, and that's not the problem.

The problem is we couldn't get help to them. We couldn't get the military (active army or national guard) to go in. Not because the troops didn't want to, but because the red tape stopped them. And the press conference every hour from FEMA and others looking for their own political gain kept on saying they were doing everything they could. Ok, I have to agree they were, but they could have done better. MUCH BETTER.

We have professionals who do this for a living. USAID can send in people to help and since they have done it all around the world they could have come back and helped out, we could have sent the National guard units from close by like Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma in, instead of Maryland. There are enough MP units with tons of experience who could have gone in and helped out the local police forces in stead of sending in infantry troops from an Airborne division (again with the politics).

It just makes me sick of the politics going on and the attempts to save face and take this situation to heighten their own political gain.

Funny thing about politics, everyone knows I was 100% against going into Iraq because I didn't think we had enough to go. I am pro-American, but was against the way. I also exercised my right to vote for someone else. But, everyone I know who did vote for him know says they didn't. And they were telling me how wrong I was about the war back then, how I would be proven wrong, yadda yadda, yadda.

I don't care if I was right or not (neener, neener, neener). But I have to agree with Bill O'Reilly (and this hurts me to say that I agree with him) The government (federal, state, local or wherever) is not going to help you, take care of you or save you. Its not that they don't care, I truly believe they do, but they don't have the experience or non political drive to get the job done, done right, and done fast.

Those that can do, those that can't work for the government.


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