Thursday, September 15, 2005

Will the USA ever learn?

I was thinking today that Al-Qaeda has been a little too quite lately. Would Al be jealous of Katrina? Would they do anything to say hey we are still here? Well they did today. At least 160 people through out Iraq died today.

So what does that have to do with the title of this post? Well, with the government losing ground with public opinion because of Hurrican Katrina Al-Qaeda only has to do what happened back in 1968 during the Tet Nguyên Đán. Maybe you have heard of it by the Tet cease fire offense? Its were the VC and NVA fought all accross the country and change public opinion about the war in Vietnam. Sure they didn't win the battle, but as history has shown they war the war.

Now if Al-Qaeda was to step up and show the American people that they can control the country, the people, and the mightly US Military can't stop them, well you get the picture.

Not that the military can't stop them. If you turn the military loose and let them do it they could, but the political fallout would be ugly, lots of innocent lives would end, but I do belive in the end they would prevail (until they left the country). This problem is bigger the the military, the US Government and anyone else. It will take generations to change peoples minds about the US.

I was ask today, why someone would want to kill themselves. My only response was the abortion issue in the US. Some people are willing to kill doctors who preform abortions and don't think it wrong. His response? "its not wrong". Enough said.


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